
Source (GitLab)

  • Developed a responsive single-page React application as a part of a project to interface with external APIs
  • Implemented key features, including a dynamic list view with query-based filtering and sorting options, a gallery view for visual content exploration, and a detailed view for selected items with navigation buttons
  • Successfully handled potential API interaction challenges, such as unavailability and rate-limiting, by incorporating data mocking strategies and caching solutions
  • Utilized React Router for effective navigation and route handling within the application
  • Employed Axios for efficient API calls, ensuring seamless data retrieval and interaction
  • Ensured a user-friendly experience by implementing strategic error handling within the application.
  • Provided type checking for code reliability using TypeScript
  • Demonstrated the project’s outcome through an example, aligning with outlined requirements and serving as a reference for the envisioned user interface and functionality